Thank you. While grilling tonight, I watched the orange glow shift to blue and spotted Venus hanging in the sky. The rhythms of Nature will soothe this anxious spirit.

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Welcome! I live in Daphne—this is a beautiful place. And some progressives do live here!

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Welcome! We live in Mobile but have a special spot in our hearts for Fairhope! Plus it is Bluer than it has ever been!! Enjoy 💖💖

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Thank you, Beth Shelburne and yes, very true!

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Lovely. Truly. I don’t mean to be rude, but why would I want to go to Alabama? It appears that a large majority, not all, want to trow themselves and the rest of the country under a bus, and have the bus backup several times.

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You don't have to come here. But I live here. And there is a natural beauty and biodiversity that I very much appreciate. The politics, not so much!

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I agree. The “politics “ is not an abstract thing. It is a real as anything can be and directly affects all living things.

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I'm Wisconsin born but living in Alabama for 30 years. There's plenty here to love https://heyscott.substack.com/p/damn-yankee

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Great essay!

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Check this out : “Monks ’ last movie”. So apropos right now. 2023 mystery/comedy. Enjoy.

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It’s not right. An Election Day in America should be exciting and inspiring, not a day where so many of us - millions - are beaten down, fearful, strung out and looking for places to hide and be protected by the beauties of the natural world. Or the space beneath our beds. Or glasses of liquid courage. I’m angry at the humans whose overriding need for personal power and status have brought us to this place. I find myself wishing that a few of them, one in particular, would depart this Earthly plane and allow us to regain our national equilibrium, sense of agency and common common decency. We have been let down by our system of justice, our Fourth Estate, our worst selves. And so here we are. But if we can get through this last push, can hang on and prevail, as the Universe is my witness, we will never allow it to come to this again. At least, not in our lifetimes.

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Thank you for this - no, for ALL of this. It was just what I needed tonight.

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I've had to take a break from following election coverage. To be honest, I rarely follow it at any election cycle. It's too stressful for me. Yes, this is a luxury, one that not everyone can afford. But I will cast my vote and wait until the next day to check who will be our next President, though I think I'll have to put my ultra-political daughter's texts on mute.

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Beautiful ❤️❤️

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