When my son first went to prison at GK Fountain he had to work on the farm picking tomatoes and at the time he said that he never wanted to see another tomato, the facility did use them for food but also sold them and peas also and when he was transferred to limestone it was the same . In January 2022 he went to Elba work release and was paid 2 dollars a day working on a road crew then later as a mechanic for pike county road department, if the road crew was short he would be pulled to there for a day or two , after being there for 5 months he came up for parole and was denied although he met all the guidelines and he was set off 4 years and continued to work and in January 2023 he started getting sick and for six months would not do anything for him and as a nurse I knew he had all symptoms of cancer and he told the dr there, he had a mass in his right lower abdomen that was the size of a baseball, I felt it and he was losing weight, having abdominal pain and diarrhea, classical symptoms they sent him to Easterling for X-rays twice but did nothing and gave him nothing , he was eating ibuprofen and Tylenol, he was sick in bed a week and they did nothing ! His boss sent word that he needed him and he worked sick until July 28th he was sent back to Easterling, long story short never received treatment, he’s passed now but they will use you until you’re no use to them anymore and yes he was given the vaccine a year and half before he became sick and I question that also. Men need to be treated as human beings not work horses! If they work pay them fairly so that they feel like they can do something for themselves not just the family supporting them! They are someone’s son , husband, brother, uncle , grandson, nephew and need to be treated with dignity and not as a slave period!

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Sherrie I am so sorry about the loss of your son. Thank you for sharing his story. Keep doing it. It's the only way the system will change, if people truly realize the horrors that are happening.

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Thank you. I intend to continue.

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