I know myself how cruel ADOC is, I didn’t even get his belongings, they conveniently got lost although they’d been locked up by an officer . I’ve heard that officers gives inmates belongings to other inmates and throws what they can’t use in the garbage. I hope someone throws something of theirs away just to let them know how it feels. Seriously though, our Governor, legislators and Attorney General have let ADOC get away with murder, manslaughter, medical neglect and continues to do so and they are as guilty and the ones that have committed all this acts and as for the AG , I don’t consider him law enforcement, I consider him an evil person in a high position that is probably going to run for governor and if the media doesn’t report the truth the majority of Alabamians won’t know the corruption in the state! Thank you Beth for all that you do!!

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Thank you for continuing to highlight the ways in which we as a society are failing people and those who are deeply hurt by this failure. We have to see it to change it.

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Reporting like this is essential. Hoping that your light will help disinfect something truly rancid.

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Thank you for your diligence and tenacity in rooting out what has been going on with the ADOC. It is a crying shame. The ADOC needs to be held accountable for what it's done and continues to do, not just get a blank check to pay its way out of lawsuits. Your hard work is making a difference! Thank you.

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