Thanks for sharing this story. My formerly incarcerated friend was telling me the other day he saw an old friend inside that he did time with. It’s the person who was convicted of killing bill cosbys son in the 90s. He is serving life without the possibility of parole. Granted, his story isn’t similar to Robert George’s accidental shooting, but after serving 3 decades in prison, doesn’t a human deserve a chance?? 🙏🏼 Robert’s story makes me feel like change CAN happen… despite spending wayyyyy too much time inside. Anyway, thank you again for sharing this. 💙

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I am 100% in agreement with you. Life without parole serves no purpose other than to throw someone away. Alabama has one of the highest rates of LWOP sentences AND death sentences. People here consider 20 years a short sentence. It's outrageous what we've done to ourselves with this hopeless punishment structure. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, Claire! I appreciate you!

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Thank you, Beth, for all you do. May compassion overcome suffering.

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Thank you for your important work!

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Thank you Beth for all that you do! I’m so thankful Mr George is home now! You are always so informative!

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Thank you, Beth. Your work is so very important.

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