I really do appreciate this article of my father. He passed away right in front of me. I just knew I was finally going to get to bring him home and all I could think about was the way the guards still had the handcuffs on his ankles swelling them up while he was on his hospital bed helpless I begged the guards for hours to remove them but instead they removed me from his room and the hospital. They were rude to me and my father even on his death bed. But the nurses at uab were to kind and gentle with him especially nurse Ping she work overtime taking care of he with care. The Warren at the prison announced my father dead 2 weeks before he even actually died. I had hope that I would finally bring him home but my father gave his last three breaths I knew he was tired. I will always cherish my father because of his faith and strength I carry his remains with me everyday and everywhere. I never had him in my life because he been in that same prison every since his late wife my mother was pregnant with me but I have him now. I love u father Elohim as my mother would call him and your death will not be I'm vain. Thank you Beth for your article of my father. He's the reason I finished my bachelor in criminal justice this year on his birthday. May he live forever in me.

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Hi Carletta. I am so glad you are happy with this article. I am sorry for the loss of your father. He deserved better and so do you. Sending love to your family.

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> Storm said he then secured a bed for Mr. Davis at one of the only residential re-entry facilities in the state, but ADOC was not willing to furlough Mr. Davis to a group home that included other formerly incarcerated people.

At that point there is no disguising that this is just cruelty. Someone who gets paid by the State defines their job to include being sadistic. What re-entry facility doesn't include former felons?

And again, being punished for being poor. Suppository if his surviving family didn't need a Section 8 apartment he would have been able to get a date, for a date, for a hearing to be released.

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