This is the source of the problems. Most likely money has been transferred over to an LLC account that is hard to prove & find. It angers me that my loved one is simply a number, a dollar to the already rich who keeps getting richer! There are most likely multiply people that money has been transferred to. Hush money! Kaye Ivey is probably one of those as well as Steve Marshall. This is a great in sight Beth! I have shared this with several people who feel the same way. Thanks for sharing...

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Incredible insight again Mrs Shelburne! There seems to be no end in sight to the butchery of a job the Gov. had done since taking office. Behind those same closed doors you spoke of, she's probably taking in more cash off this state's correctional system than any other culprit we can name. It's the Alabama way... to kick a man when he's down- to take advantage of a crippled situation. Nothing about the way things are will change until the head of the state changes. Were there deaths in prison at the hands of officers/ inmates b4 Kay Ivey? Sure. But when the Dr was at the helm there was at least hope...

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Kay Ivey should be made to stay in population for one week with no commissary and be made to live and witness the blood bath she has played the biggest part in continuing and making no effort to stop. Those people may be a number to her but that number is someone's loved one and not an animal. Although when you cage someone with no hope of ever being free you turn them into a caged beast. She should be put in a cage for what she's done

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Child you possibly obtain a ballpark figure on minimum custody labor?

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Do you mean how much the state is making? Or what that type of labor is worth? Tell me more about what you want to know.

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Sorry let me be more clear. What I would like to know is how much money is generated for the department of corruption through the leasing of inmates to the public for labor. Excluding work release inmates.

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