I cannot even begin to imagine the pain these people’s loved ones have endured. It is such a sad state for any place to be. The US prison system in general is quite well known for carrying out some of they very crimes they allegedly incarcerate people for. That in itself I would hope is enough to avoid criminals from getting in trouble. Unfortunately, it’s a subject swept under the carpet frequently. Some people just don’t want to see it and others are afraid of retribution. But no matter the views, we are not all responsible for the systemic failures of a government which, as you mentioned, reward and promote the abuse we’ve noticed. It’s not only Alabama. Although, I must add: I did not know that in Alabama, they still allow the dark- aged act of paddling or any other physical abuse to children. That’s so shocking to me! How in the world do parents allow it?! Geez! You’d have to try hitting me first. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Thank you for sharing your work. More Alabamians need to know.

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You are doing an amazing job Beth! Keep it up!

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It’s so true and heartbreaking that families and their loved ones think ADOC will help them change when there is no rehabilitation, only misery and inhumane treatment and to know all the taxes you pay helps to mistreat and cause more death but you are so right about legislators, it all about the money especially when I watched their public meeting a few weeks ago and Mr Singleton instructed the Commisioner to quit sending inmates out for care because it was costing them to much! First it’s not costing him anything period! He needs to do the real job that people put him there for and not to line his own pockets, I seen a lot of greed in that meeting and only two legislators that were concerned that the prisons were so overcrowded and that the parole board wasn’t doing their job by the set guidelines and that something needed done and one of those was Chris England who wants to know how ADOC has so much medical neglect, overdoses, Suicide by hanging in lock ups, rapes, extortion of families and murder by other inmates and why the guards and wardens aren’t doing a better job even with short staff he said they know what is happening and aren’t intervening. I can’t as a God fearing human being understand how all state officials and Governor Ivy and AG Marshall and the public think this is ok! There is more God fearing people in the state of Alabama than those running it for their own benefit and that is breaking their oaths of office right there! It’s time for change for a person who cares about human rights and what God thinks not which political party they can run in and move up the ladder.ADOC has over 1000 lawsuits and they have the proof and who do you think will be paying for all of the harm they caused when it could have been prevented, that’s right the taxpayers and you might as well get ready your taxes will be going up and I’m sure AG Marshall will be running for Governor since Ivy can’t and all I can say is God help us all!! Evil is waiting to step in and continue! Pray for Alabama and all inmates and their families because we all are going to need God more than ever!!

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This is heart-breaking and horrible. The legacy of oppression. How do we end it? How do we comfort the families?

How do we bring about change?

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I don't want to be included in what it says about "us". I didn't make it this way, I didn't ask for it, I don't endorse it and I have sought change from it. This purely evil and degenerate sickness that is allowed to go on inside these prisons comes from the very top. Their silence speaks volumes, any sane, balanced and reasonable person should be outraged with this latest atrocity. We all know who they are and who condones its continuance. What it says about the upper echelons of Alabama's Government is a more accurate description in my opinion, please don't include me, with "them".

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I truly know what you are saying. I don't want to be included in the "us" that's behind these atrocities either. But I'm also a taxpaying citizen of Alabama, and my tax dollars support these endeavors. Of course I don't want these things to happen, but they do. And I live here, so I feel I must confront some of the shared responsibility for what occurs, even if it's something I find outrageously offensive.

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Great article Beth👍👍

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Utterly heartbreaking. Thank you for the work you do to get stories like this to the public. I hope the family finds a way to heal. Shame shame shame on ADOC! 🤬

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Nov 20, 2023
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It’s a mystery. I know the lawsuit is supposed to be headed to trial next year, but that hardly rationalizes the inaction and/or worsening conditions. Maybe the DOJ is just too much of a bureaucracy to be effective? I dont know.

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